Travelers Rest

A Safe, Secure, SolarPlusBattery, Homestar Rating, Property Development.

 Proposed features
 Home Plans

Travelers Rest Property: Proposed-Features:

Independent dwelling

Dwellings designed for indoor/outdoor lifestyle

Dwellings positioned for privacy

Central pagoda style thermal footbath meeting place

Native tree plantings

Native bird safe haven

Gated security

Travelers Rest Property: Home Plan Features

Safe and secure property
House plan variations to personal requirements
Solar plus battery storage
EV charger
A key objective is to achieve Homestar Design 10 rating

 Title layout

Travelers Rest Property: Title layout Features

Independent Title

Covenanted title

Kuro curved access

Access design provides street privacy

 Property: Initial Engineering

Travelers Rest Property: Initial Engineering

Access to Travelers Rest from Margaret Drive

Designed to comply with all district planning requirements

Design final to be tweaked to fit the koru layout
Land use previously organic citrus orchard
more recently a horse paddock

Travelers Rest Land