Energy Physical Emotional Mental Spiritual

Energy Physical Emotional Mental Spiritual

Drive engagement, productivity, and innovation by teaching employees to more effectively manage their energy.

This is the theme from "the Energy Project" and it's introduction to it's People Fuel Curriculum.

An outcome from the project states; “There’s no question that this investment we’ve made in our employees by bringing in The Energy Project has energized and motivated them and has helped us as a company to stay strong in the midst of very tough times in our industry.”

The old addage " a change is as good as a holiday" springs to mind. Is this incorporated into the program?  An investment in Travelers Rest offers such change in an exciting innovative environment. That in itself is enough to stimulate a new burst of energyy via new experiences, personal growth and fulfillment through opportunities to contribute to the neighbourhood and community.

Even so, I'm impressed with the Energy Project and what it's endevouring to do. It has merrit and could well be considered on an individual as well as corporate scale.

The Problem

"We're in a new kind of energy crisis. In a world of rising demand and diminishing resources, employees are increasingly disengaged, disconnected, overwhelmed and burned out. Productivity and sustainable high performance are at a breaking point. You can’t run on empty and that’s increasingly what employees are being asked to do." Here's the program

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